Why We Need Hard Drive Recycling

Freja Meza
3 min readFeb 11, 2021

In the IT world, we often hear about companies such as Apple and Seagate who are pioneers in recycling hard drives. At first, we thought that these companies are just doing what they have to do in order to win the hearts of consumers. These companies are also known for their green initiative and so many of us thought that these two organizations were trying to make an impact on the environment by recycling hard drives. Now, we have learned that not only do they recycle hard drives but they are also making a difference in the area of the environment as well.

The two main companies, Apple and Seagate, make a point to purchase hard drives when they are over 2 years old. This is because they believe that they can help save the planet by not putting tons more plastic in landfills. By purchasing these older hard drives, they ensure that there will be no more waste when it comes to hard drives. These two organizations also make sure that they do not place any other material, including paper, into their recycling bins.

Now, we have learned that Seagate has joined the league of hard drive recyclers. In fact, they are so proud of their involvement with the recycling of hard drives that they are going to be holding a national hard drive recycling day in April 2021. They will be joined by two other environmental organizations, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the United States Department of Energy (DOE). What does this mean to consumers?

First off, it means that you will be able to receive discounts on hard drives when you are going through the recycling program. When you work with a recycling program that gives you discounts on your purchases, it helps the environment. When you are working with a company that encourages recycling, one which is signed onto the United Nations Global Compact for global warming, you will be doing your part to save the planet. It’s a win-win situation.

Second, you are making use of something that is reusable. Hard drives can be reused in a variety of ways. This is why they are commonly used by businesses. You never know what you might find in them, but they could be just the component that your business needs to improve its efficiency. You might find that your business could save an incredible amount of money by using something like this instead of a new hard drive.

Third, there are other uses for hard drives. For example, schools often use them. In some cases, students may download entire school documents onto their hard drives. While this may not seem like much of a problem at first, imagine the consequences if all of the school’s hard drives are stolen.

What is the solution? There are two potential solutions to this problem. You can either take away hard drives from your home or business or you can place the media into a special recycling bin. The hard drive recycling bin can be placed in any location where a computer or other electronic device used to be placed. So, if you are a teacher or business owner who needs to make sure that you do your part to help recycle this valuable resource, you need look no further than these easy-to-use bins for your information needs.

So, why we need hard drive recycling? The simple answer is, so that businesses and individuals can make the most of this valuable resource. By using the hard drive, you can save on paper, plastic bags, aluminum cans, and other materials. These materials are then sold to companies who specialize in helping people recycle. When you can recycle hard drives instead of throwing them away, you do your part to help save the planet.



Freja Meza

Euro-Recycling is the UK’s leading provider of Secure On-Site Data Media Destruction Services. Website: https://www.euro-recycling.co.uk/